Just Peachy 🍑

Outfit deets: Top// Jeans// Earrings// Shoes- older BR // Glasses

Outfit deets: Top// Jeans// Earrings// Shoes- older BR // Glasses

Welcome Back Y’all! As you know, I love finding a good trend and incorporating it with my everyday style, but this trend has me a little uneasy! Cue the Drum Roll Please … Cable/Ribbed knit button tops. For one, I’m not an IG girl with the banging body. I’m just a girl that Got A Lotta Body. I type this to say… I’m scared to try this. Ha! I love how classic it looks so the girls I see rock this trend. Some even just button the top button and that’s it. But y’all already know… that’s not going to work. I pushed myself and got the top! You know what, It doesn’t even look that bad on me. I do believe it has a certain flair that you have to be in the mood for. Here I paired it with a high waisted jean. I wanted to make this look more vintage and stylish by adding the gold touches. I kinda Love it, Def not an everyday look for me but maybe a Brunch with the girls look!

Let me know in the comments below If you like this look!!

-See ya soon

Jasmine B